International schools have aborted a plan for the second phase reopening of its institutions that was slated for October 26.
In a circular to the institutions, Kenya Association of International Schools notes that the decision was reached following a surge in infection rates.
“The earlier advice to recall our other year groups including our early years from the October 26 is hereby vacated. In-person learning will continue only for final year and key transition years /grades,” it reads.
International schools, just like other institutions began Phase One reopening for in-person learning on October 12.
However, despite the institutions proving the ability to accommodate their entire student population they were restricted to only prioritize final year and key transition years/grades.
“Irrespective of the availability of space, all International Schools shall strictly adhere to a reopening that mirrors the stated levels as outlined by the Ministry of Education for national curriculum schools,” an earlier memo by the association reads.
Phase Two of the reopening was set to commence on October 26 and was to consider the other classes.
“At the time, Kenya’s Covid-19 positivity rate was below 5 per cent. Since then, the positivity rate has spiked and now stands at a high of 14 per cent,” the circular reads.
It further goes on and notes that the Education Ministry had made a decision to postpone further reopening of other levels for in-person learning.
This, Mwangi says, will give a chance to conduct an audit of this initial phase and iron out a decision model for reclosing and reopening schools as needed due to a resurgence of community transmission.
For those taking the British curriculum, the key transition years per curriculum include those in year 6,8, and 9, while those taking Exam Years will include those in year 10,11,12 and 13.
Mwangi further notes that the institutions will continue offering a hybrid academic model blending in-person and virtual learning.
“In order to build resilience and ensure continuity of learning amid the pandemic, a hybrid model that incorporates in-person and virtual learning is encouraged so as to minimize the number of learners present in the school at a time,” the circular reads.
So too, the association has given leeway to the institutions to revert to virtual learning should in-person learning of any kind is impossible to implement.
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